Monday, July 25, 2011

Still a few more days.

So my uncle is doing good, but understandably it is still pretty hard for him to get around the house and cook for himself and such so I had the day off to get some of my own stuff done, then I will go back for a few days. I did find some wi-fi, either the guy was crazy about torrents or it was to far away, because it was really slow and I kept losing the signal, so it was pretty much useless for anything other than checking email.


  1. That sucks, but its better than nothing :)

  2. So why did he need knee surgery? Glad to hear he's doing good.
    +followed by

  3. Glad your uncle is doing good, I think I'd been in internet withdrawal by now though haha

  4. i hope everything gets fine for you

    great blog BTW, + followed

  5. We have issues with slow wifi here too, mostly its just crappy dsl causing issues. Sometimes the whole states dsl will go out for a specific company.

  6. I think that you were just too far away ;). I always have the problem when I found an open wi-fi spot.
