Monday, July 4, 2011

Fishin on the Fourth

Got up early to avoid traffic/crowds and for a good minus tide to get out to some different rocks to fish. Landed 5-6 perch and a smelt and had a few more that got off. I had a bigger rod further out hoping for a shark or something that would fight better but no bites, but thats why they call it fishing not catching.

While fishing I started thinking about how people meet, I tend to think I look pretty unapproachable, I kind of have a constant look of disgust while out in public, and for no real reason other than habit I wear all black. When I look at others I always worry that talking to them will somehow inconvenience them, if they are in a hurry, and I ask them for directions or something, they might not want to be rude and help, so I generally don't bother people unless it is obvious they have nothing to do.  Then I started thinking about various people I either met online or talk to online but haven't seen them in many years, or something I don't have experience with but I think about when other people mention it, online dating. So much of what we think about people is based on out first impression of them, and generally that is their appearance. Where as online you might get to know someones personality before you even know what they look like, and at least for me, personality is far more important than appearance. I have talked to some people about this and they seem to think it is an unnatural thing to be friends with people you have never met face to face, almost as if they are imaginary people. What do you guys think? I think with the amount of time people spend online it is only natural and will only increase.


  1. I think online friendships can be just as powerful especially with today's technology (cameras, microphones etc)

    Sounds like a relaxing enjoyable 4th :)

  2. First off, fishing is great. I haven't done that in a long time.

    Second, I think that its perfectly ok to be friends with people online. Like you said you get to know their personality and not just judge them by their looks.

  3. im probably the only person that goes fishing and trys not to catch fish.

  4. Sounds like a nice way to spend the 4th. Beats working. I agree with the others. The world has become a lot more virtual. It is only natural that we're more likely to meet people in that capacity.

  5. Its kinda depressing to thing that most people will spend 60 % of their livetime with the computer in the near future.

  6. A good chunk of my friends are people that moved away after college and I talk to via facebook or something similar
