Thursday, February 24, 2011

French Press Coffee maker

I live in a pretty small apartment with hardly any counter space, for a while I using a generic 12 cup coffee maker, but it took up 1/4 of the counter space. I threw that away a few months ago and was just drinking tea, but tea didn't seem to have the same kick that coffee does. I order a Bodum Brazil 8-Cup Coffee Press from Amazon, FedEx delivered it to the wrong place, but they fixed that after I called about it. Some observations, Bodum seems to think a cup of coffee is 4 ounces, my coffee cup which I thought was small is 14 ounces so that's kind of odd. They also say use 1 rounded tablespoon of ground coffee for every 4 ounces to be brewed which seems like a lot, but I never measured anything with the old coffee maker so who knows. I ran into some trouble trying to get beans though, the grinder at the store was broken so I had to buy the grounds, but there were no coarse grinds so I squeezed every bag trying to find the best, which turned out to be Dunkin' Donuts brand. I found a local roaster that will do a coarse grind and is only $7/lb so I will try to some of that. The coffee tastes better then I remember it being from the drip machine, but there is some sediment left over in the cup, not sure if that is normal, or just because I am using the the wrong stuff.


  1. There's so much I don't know about coffee...

  2. Hm. Well, i don't drink coffee much at all. Or tea. Neither give me a satisfying taste, and coffee just reminds me of burnt toast. But I hope you find a better way to get good coffee.

  3. Well theres nothing I can offer to help cos I dont like coffee either.I hope you discover the perfect coffee :)

  4. I recently began drinking coffee - mocha flavored. Had no idea what caffeine could do when it is not mixed in with a sugary soda.

  5. mannnn i really want a coffee maker :D too bad they're like hella expensive for no reason. following! thanks for checking out my moustache blog beforehand

  6. Well, it is a FRENCH press. 4 ounces doesn't seem outlandish when you put it in that context.
