Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about laws and why we follow them. At least form my point of view there aren't many laws I would want to break, and the ones I would mostly involving gun control, I know the penalties and don't want to risk it. However things like murder, I would imagine most of use view murder as wrong but it still happens. Do murders simple not care if they are caught, or they don't think they will be, or maybe they are willing to risk it? I think a lot of what I believe to be right and wrong came from my parents also growing up I went to a small school and was shy so I think I avoided a lot of peer pressure. I know it might be kind of personal and possibly incriminating, but what do you guys think, do you break laws you don't agree with and is possibly getting caught really a deterrence?


  1. the murders are not usually planned and are spontaneous and thats why they get caught.

  2. If I don't agree with a law, I find a loophole. The internet is great for this kind of stuff. Usually the laws that don't have loopholes I'm not willing to break anyway, though.

  3. I think there are a lot of laws that people don't follow, even if they should do. Internet piracy is probably the best example.

  4. Well yes I break the law especially jaywalking =D
    Remember that many murders do it on impulse not planning, but well there are the ones who plan murdering their victims. I think most of them plan on how not the get caught after murdering.

  5. cant really think of any big laws ive broken

  6. Too late for me to look up the name, but there is a famous model for developmental moral reasoning beginning with infancy and moving into adulthood. The fourth level is adhesion to a system of rules or laws, in which a person associates morality with a set of rules ordained by his/her leaders. The fifth and sixth levels break beyond a law system and represent approximations of universal morality. So if you're ever breaking a law and need to justify it, learn up a bit on that model first ;)

  7. We need to follow laws otherwise we'd all be in danger >_< don't want people running around with guns!

  8. I like to break laws as long as I do not hurt others :)

  9. I have similar questions to the law as you do haha!

  10. I think it depends on the law to be honest

  11. If no one gets hurt and it shafts big biz, banks or government, count me in!

    drop by and say hi if u have time

  12. you have to follow the law, otherwise everything goes to hell.

  13. Laws are easily broken, but values are not. I agree we are the product of how our parents raised us.
