Sunday, April 17, 2011

Harder than I thought.

My previous blogs have all failed because I lost interest, no so much the case with this one, just so busy. I have been looking for a summer job, hopefully something that would keep me in shape and such. Well I found something that would do that, concrete work, but the owner said they are hiring now and if I waited till summer to start they would probably have to hire someone else. Luckily they aren't too busy right now, so I am able to work afternoons when I don't have school. Anyone that has worked with concrete knows it is a pretty tiring endeavor, it is also pretty abrasive to your hands, So I have been getting home at night, and pretty much failing asleep at my desk working on homework, I also managed to turn my alarm off 3 days in a row without even waking up, luckily my brother has been around to knock me out my chair.

Kind of a continuation of my previous post about laws. I saw a documentary about smugglers, I think it was a BBC thing. Basically following customs along as the intercept drug/tobacco/merchandise smugglers.  What I found interesting is that most of the reasons I have heard about why drugs are illegal is because of harm it causes to people/families/society. In this show I don't remember any mention this, every time they found something they explained it as a monetary value. Marijuana, heroin, etc they gave a street price, and tobacco they all explained how the smugglers were "bad people" because the taxes they wouldn't have paid were taking away from schools and road work. So it kind of made me wonder, Do governments really care about the possible "decay of society" because of drug use, or is it all just about lost revenue from taxes? Also I have done any research into how much money is spent on customs enforcement but I wonder if it ends up costing more than the lost taxes from smugglers.


  1. cant wait for summer. and drugs are bad, in general

  2. well, maybe it's just that is easy to count the money, but hard to count the families it destroys.

  3. They need to legalize drugs and be done with it!

  4. Governments like to steal and feel angered when people are stealing from them.
    Also I hate those TSA guys in US ;/
    Bunch of stupid pricks.

  5. Some drugs are bad, some aren't

  6. Can't wait for summer too! It's too cold here!

  7. I don't know, I've never taken any drugs

  8. I think it might be a bit of both, depending on the government of course

  9. Basically if a "drug" gives you any type of pleasure or relief, the government will make it illegal and sell it as a prescription for their own benefit. Can't have your citizens running around all happy and what not.

  10. In each country you have an other law for drugs using or possession. It's complicted.

  11. wow, i know how it feels you are extremely busy and you kinda feel like your juggling everything. Hope you get through it!!

  12. I feel like the government outlawas certain drugs for certain reasons. Some drugs really should be outlawed, but i think there's some that are only outlawed because of public opinion, or money, or other reasons.

  13. If the government were selling the drugs legally, even through a prescription, i could see the argument that they only care about tax money.

  14. well, the money goes to drug cartels, and they are the bad guys! I'm anti-narcotics because I don't want to support criminals

  15. Yeah drugs are a touchy issue. Following and supporting.

  16. I wonder if legalizing drugs would absolutely ruin people. Cigarettes are legal, but I never touch them.

  17. Check out Portugul's drug laws; decriminalization of all drugs. That and getting rid of jail time for addicts and replacing it with therapy, that's how you deal with drugs.

  18. Nice blog man, just following...

  19. don't get bored with this blog and pro-drug! +1 follower :)

  20. love your blog! keep up the quality posts!
