Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crazy Cars

Spring Break has finally started, planning on going camping at some point but the they are forecasting rain for everyday this week. Most of my neighbors seem to have gone somewhere, so at least they won't be making a ruckus around here like they normally do.

The other day I saw driving home and noticed a red Toyota Tercel station wagon, with some red letter on the back window. I sped up so I could read it, " US MAIL", now I have never seen a something like this before, so I started to wonder, is this guy just really into mail, or does USPS actually have a fleet of these things. I sped up more to see if there was any mail in there, but instead I noticed there was a steering wheel with no one behind it. Turns out it was one of those cars with 2 steering wheels, and 2 sets of pedals. He then reaches over to the other steering wheel and flips the indicator, kind of odd, go through the trouble of duplicate mechanical controls, but they can't add another indicator switch? Anyway on my normally boring commute that was a comical experience.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've seen them all the time. Well, not a Toyota Tercel specifically, but I've seen all manner of mail vehicles used to deliver mail. In my old neighborhood, we had a blue station wagon for a couple of years. Since they were new houses when we moved in, I'm guessing it was a newer route and they didn't have enough of the white mail trucks for all the routes. My guess is that this might be common practice around the country, when new routes are added and they have to fit in whatever vehicles that they can.

  3. Strange to be sure, they just drive with one door open over this way

  4. haha yeah, I used to have a mailman that drove a 1995 oldsmobile cutlass or something like that. He'd control the gas and break on the passenger side and use the steering wheel in it's normal spot. Definitely different!

  5. thats pretty weird.

    have an awesome spring break!

  6. agree what is this i dont even ..

  7. ha ha ha yeah you'll have that sometimes.

  8. Yeah, my grandparents live out in the middle of nowhere so the mail sends some old Ford out there to deliver the mail I think. Have fun on spring break

  9. i dunno but id hate to drive a truck wit hno door on it seems abit scary to em

  10. i like your profile picture a lot!

  11. strange, but who cares, its spring break time.

  12. Never seen anything like that before lol sounds pretty weird.

  13. Hahaha what? I laughed so hard at "was he just really into mail".

  14. I always look forward to Spring Break.
    I even draw an comic about it right now! lol

    Awesome Blog btw.

  15. Hmmm.... maybe there was a ghost

  16. I'd be interested to see on of these cars lol

  17. Wish I had those crazy cars more in my area

  18. HAHAHA so was he actually delivering mail?
